Prof Stoelinga leads new consortium on Smart Diagnostics


NWO has awarded project ZORRO: Engineering for Zero Downtime in Cyber-Physical Systems via Intelligent Diagnostics.

This grant comes from the call Next Generation High-tech-Equipment: cyber-physical systems (KIC). The project is lead by Marielle Stoelinga (U Twente) a collaboration between VU (Van Harmelen, Schlobach), Saxion University of Applied Sciences (Teeuws, Linssen), TNO_ESI (Bratosin) and University of Twente (Tinga, Van der Zwaag, Caltais, Zaytsev). Industrial partners are: ASML, Canon Production Printers, ITEC, Philips and ThermoFisher Scientific.

Scientific objectives are to develop Reliable and resource-efficient monitoring systems; incorporate formalised knowledge in the diagnostic workflow, develop system-level diagnostic algorithms and tightly integrate diagnostic methods in the system’s engineering life cycle.

The project lasts of 6 year, with a total budget of 3.5Meuro