PhD on Building an Open Source Community for Room Acoustics
A new PhD position in Eindhoven University of Technology: in collaboration with colleagues from Architecture and Built Environment we will be working on building Room Acoustics software (group of Maarten Hornikx) and an Open Source Community surrounding it (group of Alexander Serebrenik).
The first group of tasks will be related to the open-source code and documentation: the PhD student will design the evolution-resilient software architecture, perform ongoing evaluation of maintainability of the software being developed, and ensure that the documentation does not form obstacles preventing participation in the project of diverse individuals. The second group of tasks will be related to community building. The PhD student will design and evaluate ways of recruiting and retaining open-source contributors. Closer to the end of the project the PhD student will design the transition strategy by transferring the ownership of the project to an open-source foundation.
Job requirements:
- MSc degree in Computer Science, Software Engineering or related fields
- Interest in community building and community management.
- Working and teaching are in English. Excellent skills in this language are required.