Projects - NWO Open Technology Programme grant for Marieke Huisman and Anton Wijs
Prof.dr. M. Huisman (University of Twente) and dr.ing. A. Wijs (Eindhoven University of Technology) received an NWO OTP grant for the project “ChEOPS: verified Construction of corrEct and Optimised Parallel Software”. Two PhD students will be appointed, one in Twente and one in Eindhoven, to make the development and maintenance of software aimed at graphics processing units (GPUs) more insightful and effective in terms of functional correctness and performance.
GPUs have an increasingly big impact on industry and academia, due to their great
computational capabilities. However, in practice, one usually needs to have expert knowledge on GPU architectures to optimally gain advantage of those capabilities. At the Eindhoven University of Technology, Wijs will work on modelling GPU applications using a Domain Specific Language, formally verifying the correctness of the models, and automatically generating GPU code. At the University of Twente, Huisman will work on the structured optimisation of GPU code, while ensuring that functional correctness is preserved. Existing formal verification techniques, model checking and code verification, will be combined to create, for the first time, a complete end-to-end development workflow for GPU applications.
To ensure the practical effectiveness of the resulting workflow, a users committee, consisting of SURFsara, the Netherlands eScience Center, Stream HPC, and CodePlay (UK), will provide real-life cases and provide feedback throughout the project.