Two PhD positions on Secure Software Development (Leiden), deadline: July 2, 2021
Two fully-funded PhD positions on Secure Software Development are available at LIACS, Leiden University.
We are looking for 2 motivated PhD candidates to work on a recently funded NWO project C-SIDe that will focus on a holistic methodology for secure software development.
- 1 PhD candidate will work on secure software development for HPC systems, in collaboration with SURFsara.
- 1 PhD candidate will work on secure development of mobile apps, in cooperation with NeLL, LUMC.
More details about the project and the application process are available at: https://www.universiteitleiden.nl/vacatures/2021/q2/21-230-2-phd-candidates-in-secure-software-development
The applications will be considered until the positions are filled. Applications received by July 20, 2021, will receive full consideration. The first round of interviews is planned for early July, and the successful applicants are expected to start in the Fall 2021.