Next events - ICT with Industry 2020 - call for Participation
We invite you to participate to the ICT With Industry Lorentz Center workshop in January 20–24 2020.
The workshop brings together scientists and professionals from industry and governments. The workshop revolves around five exiting case studies, which are subject to an intense week of analyzing, discussing, and modeling solutions.
You will be part of a team of 5 to 8 dedicated researchers from various ICT-disciplines, actively collaborating on one of the cases during the week.
What challenging case studies are available?
- Sound and Vision: Scaping Generous Interfaces for Audiovisual Heritage Collections
- Atos/HOMIE: Wash program prediction
- KB (Royal Library): Improving Access to Early Modern Gothic Texts with NLP and Machine Learning
- RTL Nederland: Multimodal Emotion Recognition
- TNO: Create Multi-Purpose Digital Twins for Industry that are a factor 1000 cheaper
- than current approaches
Lorentz Center does not charge registration fees. Lorentz Center also provides hotel accommodations free of charge and all food and drinks during the workshop are free of charge.
Student credits the SIKS, IPA and ASCI research schools provide credits for PhD students participating in the workshop. At the end of the workshop NWO will issue a letter of attendance upon request.
You can register by 17 November 2018 via the workshop webpage: https://www.lorentzcenter.nl/lc/web/2020/1220/info.php3?wsid=1220&venue=Oort