New people & guests - New Professor in Eindhoven: Michel Chaudron
Michel Chaudron has been appointed a Full Professor in Software Engineering at Eindhoven University of Technology. Prior to this, he has been a full professor at the Software Engineering division of the joint department of Computer Science and Engineering of Chalmers and Gothenburg University in Sweden.
Prof. Chaudron’s research interests are in the design and modeling of software/system architectures, and in the knowledge sharing that is needed for software development. His research involves both empirical studies as well as tool-building. Recently his research has explored the use of AI and machine learning techniques for ‘knowledge mining’ in software development projects. Much of his research is done in collaboration with industry. He has published more than 160 peer-reviewed papers. He is an active member of several conferences including MODELS, Euromicro-SEAA, ESEM, ICSE.