Europe needs strong software!
Software engineering research is crucial for a strong and independent Europe. A small group of software researchers from France, Finland, and the Netherlands, have written a one-page document as a call to action for increased funding of software engineering research in Europe. This document can be found here:
The one-pager is the basis for an online petition to make a strong statement backed by organizations and software researchers in Europe and elsewhere, to signal to policy-makers (both national and European-level) the urgency of increased funding for software research:
If you want to endorse the message for a strong Europe, with strong software engineering research, sign the petition! And distribute among colleagues, heads of departments, policy makers, etc. Don’t hesitate to share on social media using the hashtags #EuropeNeedsSoftwareResearch #FundSofwareResearchEU.
The document and petition is an effort by Paris Avgeriou, Marieke Huisman, Jean-Marc Jezequel, Tomi Männistö, Tommi Mikonen, Romain Rouvoy, Alexander Serebrenik, Kari Smolander, Tijs van der Storm, on behalf of the national software engineering associations VERSEN, GDR GPL, and TIVIA.