Executive Board

The goal of the executive board is to manage, animate and improve the entire VERSEN community. They also have formal responsibilities as listed in the VERSEN charter, one of which is to write the annual reports.

The members and roles are listed in the board webpage. The executive board meets monthly, and any member of the VERSEN community is welcome to join.

History of the executive board


  • Tanja Vos became the new chair
  • Anton Wijs became a member
  • Sangeeth Kochanthara became a member


  • Tijs van der Storm became the new chair


  • Paris Avgeriou became the new vice chair
  • VERSEN registered with Kamer van Koophandel, deposited our statutes there and we opened a bank-account
  • VERSEN was funded from now on by “platinum” donations by Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica and TU Delft and “gold” donations from practially every university in The Netherlands


  • Alexander Serebrenik became secretary


  • Marieke Huisman became the new chair
  • Slinger Jansen became co-secretary


  • Arie van Deursen became the first chair
  • Patricia Lago became the first vice-chair
  • Jurgen Vinju became the first treasurer and secretary


VERSEN grew out of the open meetings at the end of the yearly SEN symposium in 2014 and 2016.

The initiators of VERSEN were:

  • Jurgen Vinju
  • Frank de Boer
  • Sjaak Brinkkemper

We initiated VERSEN with the permission and support of everybody who was present at the SEN symposium in January 2016. The VERSEN board was then given shape by inviting practically all software professors in The Netherlands to its board. Everybody accepted.

VERSEN was funded via the budget of the software “societal theme” at Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica.