Have Your Say in Shaping Fair Workplace for Software Practitioners!


As a software practitioner, do you feel your work environment is fair? Fairness influences aspects like code review processes and team interactions. From gender biases in code reviews to the sidelining of ideas and harsh criticism. We dived into Stack Exchange and discovered software practitioners’ opinions on fairness. The article below outlines the top 10 fairness challenges we found.

Wondering if your hard work in software development isn’t always recognized? Or feel like your opinions aren’t valued in team decisions? You’re not alone! We are a team of researchers at the University of Groningen and the University College London investigating how fairness at work affects job satisfaction. Share your experiences in our survey to help develop strategies and solutions to promote fairness in software teams. Please share this with your connections too!

Survey link: https://rug.eu.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_00xSr5yHfR5RSlw

LinkedIn post: https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/fair-unpacking-real-talk-fairness-among-software-emeralda-sesari-batte/